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How are we all....

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tinkerbell23 | 19:58 Wed 16th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers


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spiffing ta, you?
Funky ta, tinks :0) x
Tired, bit stressed today, lots to do in work and couldnt see an end to it!
Off tomorrow and also the weekend, so things are looking up!
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Bit stressed tbh!

Was working last night, mum & dad on hols, and my aunt has been ill and we got "the call" i just locked up the shop and legged it to hospital....sat till midnight but shes still hanging on.......i dont know if i can go back up later its so so difficult! Terrible as it sounds i wish she would go. Cant see her suffer! I feel so drained tooo!

On plus i had a chinese there was tasty, lol and jm off all day tomorrow! X
How did your presentation go, tinks?
"i had a chinese there was tasty"

Oh yeah.....anyone we know? :0)
oh, sorry to hear that Tinks :-(
sorry to hear about you aunt, tinks and hope you look after yourself too, my lovely xx
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Yogi hahaha thats my kinda chinese unfortuately this was curry and chips hahahahahahahahahahahaha

Thanks guys- but its her time to go now...shes tired. Really tired!

Hey box thanks for asking it went really well even though one peresenter didnt turn up!! But yeah it went really well thank- this week assisted suicide... Wondering if i dare start a thread LOL x
I know what you mean Tink. Its so hard to see someone suffer.
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She whisperef that she was tired, and i told her to close her eyes, shes a natural fighter though! Very very surprised shes with us, as are the staff xx

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