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10/1 and 5/1 winners tipped are tomorrows tips....

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stokemaveric | 22:20 Wed 16th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
13.30 robinson collanges
14.05 sivota
14.40 kalahari king
15.20 grands crus
16.00 beautiful sound
16.40 galaxy rock
17.15 super collider


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Mr Ask is a great Cheltenham Festival fan, a few years ago he used to go there for the three days, now he's looking at the papers and dashing to the bookies don't think he's done much yet.
Question Author
tell him to follow my tips ayg lol he would have been quids in today.....
where can I check if your horses win please ? I only buy the papers at weeeknds for the crosswords.
only a suggestion but you could try website (I'm sure there are plenty of others)
1.30 Radium e/w
2.05 Kayf Aramis
2.40 Tartak
3.20 Ashkazar e/w
4.0 Piraya e/w
4.40 Can`t Buy Time e/w

Going to hit the bookies hard today stokie with my Sizing Europe winnings :o)
beejay thanks Dee

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10/1 and 5/1 winners tipped are tomorrows tips....

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