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Slavery is still with us, it seems.

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anotheoldgit | 15:14 Thu 17th Mar 2011 | News
42 Answers

How could this ever be allowed to happen in 21st century Britain?


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Careful're not using limited vocabulary. I don't think AOG reads your posts when you use big words..!
women swear because they want to - and no doubt most have always wanted to ...but felt they couldnt in the past because of some nonsense about having to be 'ladylike', and it being frowned up, by men who erroneously believe women are delicate little flowers, who want nothing more than to skip through the meadows in a floaty floral dress, singing and sniffing daisies...and such language would simple 'break' or sully them.

the fact that now the majority of women swear proves that the only reason they didnt in the old days was because men didnt 'allow' it...and we dont answer to men anymore - thank god.

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Slavery is still with us, it seems.

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