what was your favourite outdoor game as a kid ? knock down ginger was our gangs favourite until we picked on a four storey block of old flats, two knockers/doors on each floor for the umpteenth time and the ground floor were waiting for us, all the other occupants came down because of the commotion and we got a slap from them all. Didnt dare go home to complain we would have got another wallop !
Ahh Wembley, we called it 'headers and volleys' harder still was 'Cuppy' one goalie, six or seven of us against each all going for a goal past one keeper, if you scored (outside six yard box unless it was a volley/header) you were through to the next round. last player was out of the cup. it was whittled down to the final two, the winner of which won the prize of going in goal (for a rest)
kick the can
aunts and uncles
whats the time mr. wolf
dressing up
kite flying(a bit of wool tied to a carrier bag handle)
bramble picking
rhubarb picking
gather wild flowers
and i could go on,well seen we had no telly but a brilliant childhood,going bicycle runs
1 sandwich in a bag and that was our picnic if we were going to get tadpoles,or bees in a jelly jar???
dee, we done something very similar but got away...
there was around 20 houses in a row, we all went to a door and 1 of the lads shouted NOW we all knocked hard and ran into the fields and watched as all the doors opened.