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Council; Tax has arrived in the post..oh-oh

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Bobbisox | 10:43 Sat 19th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
but surprise surprise,
it hasn't gone up a penny on last years?
Unfortunately I won't be celebrating this, it is to the detriment of 1000 jobs by out Labour held council.
I would much rather have paid a fiver a month extra even if it was to save only half of these jobs


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I agree bobbi. We have little enough now with what are supposed to be services so to take them away will certainly be detrimental to the environment especially in the realms of rubbish collection and road sweeping. And another £5 a month would not even have been noticed. It is already quite large.
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Starby I would like to have been able to vote in this one at local level, that people like us, who pay the full amount, would be willing to save jobs for another fiver, I would have voted yes
Im afraid that extra £5 would be missed in my household.....:(.....rising fuel costs, water rates etc....there is only so much you can stretch an already tight budget sadly...
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PP it would be very difficult to implement I know, we are in the same position only saving grace is we both have very good BT pensions to fall back on I just feel it for those about to lose their jobs

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Council; Tax has arrived in the post..oh-oh

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