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Railway or train ?

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TheOtherHalf | 11:07 Sat 19th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
This may sound a daft question but do all you Abers say railway station or train station ??
On our local radio, they are always mentioning about the local train station and It may be just me but I think it sounds a bit babyish to say `train station`, perhaps because Im thinking of chu chu train.

I have always said ` railway station` as everyone knows that there are trains there, dont they ?


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thanks everyone

NazNomad - I know most towns dont have all these, but being in a seaside town with all the day trippers, we have all three and still not enough car parks !
Thanks Clare, Milly's a beautiful sweet natured cat, now 3.5 yrs old. ♥
I'd say railway station - we never had a bus station when I was a kid.
we had this discussion recently...if its a bus station and a coach station, why not a train station?
Like you, "railway station" every time, TOH. And also like you, I find "train station" so infantile-sounding: "Let's go down to the train station and watch the choo-choos".

Small children, though, often have more sense than the "grown-ups". I've heard an adult say to his child "Here comes the choo-choo", to which he got the reply "It's not a choo-choo; it's a buuurrrrrr" as the electric train came to a standstill.

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Railway or train ?

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