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Good weekend everyone?

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tinkerbell23 | 17:08 Sun 20th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Mines not bad so far and not over yet!! Xx


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Not too bad though a very painful knee yesterday, somewhat improved today (no yelping out loud) Glad yours has been good tinks ♥
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Ooh mama what off to see westlife tonight wooohoo LoL had great day yesterday with the parades..just watching footy with pablo x
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What u gna have pixi? Im going out fr dinner but i dont know where yet...dont feel like having a drink...mabye jst 1 or 2 to be sociable x
I've just come back from having lunch at my son's place.
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Hahahahaha i a loser at westlife tbh.

I love em hahahahah!! hopin itallian could go a nice pasta! Yours sounds good !

Nice tim chrissa? Hope you had a nice sun lunch xxx
I've probably had one of the worst weekends ever for reasons I will not go into on here.
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Awww daffy :0( so sorry i hope things pick up for you xx
I'm so Jealous tinkerbell23..I'd love to see Westlife!! lol...My weekends great to..I'm on hols now for a week!! lol.. Have a great evening.. enjoy..Hope you feel better soon Daffy654! x
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Crisper they were AMAZING, best yet...and sooo good looking lol, unfortunately came home to some bad news, so short lived :0( xx

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Good weekend everyone?

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