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I went to see Chalet Girl

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joggerjayne | 10:39 Mon 21st Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
I know some of you are a bit cynical about this one ... but it's really good.

It's such a feel good film.

Go and see it.

And yes ... it does (inevitably) have a bit where one of the characters gets caught naked ...

... but no front bum shot ... it's only a Certificate 12A !


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Hi, Doc ... I liked the "bathroom" video.

actaully if you promise not to use the word failcake ever again i will agree to put it on my lovefilm list and watch it on a hangover sunday
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I'll think about it, Fluffy.

oh God no, too frothy for me, i really dislike rom coms.
Is it set in switzerland like Heidi?
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"I really dislike rom coms"

That sentence makes no sense at all.

Nobody can dislike rom coms !!

It would be like saying "I didn't enjoy Notting Hill" ... !
oh I just had a memory return thingy about these little swiss chalets we had at christmas one year when i was small. they had glitter on the roof, can't really picture more but it's a buried memory for sure
I didn't, that was pap too, sorry!
Notting Hill is ok once but tedous after that
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dotty ... It's (mostly) set in Austria, in St Anton.
After I watched Country House thingy last night I watched a belting filem with Matl Wahlberg called The Shooter, absolutely brilliant , really really got into it and enjoyed it.
Don't usually like girly films but I do like Notting Hill and Love Actually.
JJ I have got this on my "must see" film document.
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Nooooooo ... !!!!!!

Notting Hill is one of the ultimate "watch again and again" movies.

I'm surprised my DVD copy hasn't been worn smooth by now !
what is a film document? is a document on my PC marked "Films to see" and I have added "Chalet Girl" and "I was a Teenaged Werewolf" to that document.
I've seen The Shooter before dotty and thought it was a good film. Didn't realise it was on again last night or I would have watched it again. I've seen some rubbish films lately, The Fighter, the new True Grit, The Green Hornet and The Next 3 Days. All were total pants!
somehow i don't believe a word of that

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