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I'm not loved :(

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mollykins | 15:43 Sun 20th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
77 Answers
We were at cadets today, practicing for our bi-annual inspection (this year the captain of the whole corps is coming).

We weren't sure what time we'd finish so dad said to ring him when we were.

We finished at about 3pm. I rang the following numbers and no-one picked up; home, dad personal, dad works and mum.

I knew my brother and sister-in-law are coming round tonight so I rang them, neither picked up!

I then remembered that my sister is coming tonight aswell. So I rang her, and she picked up - and was at my brother's house! She was confused, but didn't have much credit herself and then her battery ran out, so she got my brother to ring me. He was confused and asked where I was. He rang dad to tell him where I was, then dad rang me to say he was on his way.


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You've got to hand it to molly. She rarely resorts to sarcasm.
Never knowingly underwhelmed...
or unarrowed
molly is always polite...and has a talent for ducking the slings and arrows hurled at
Just as well that she can, eh pasta? She gets plenty thrown at her, and always bounces back. No flouncing for our molls! :o)
harmless and amusing is molly...... i bet she has never been suspended.
Wot's sarcasm?
Is being suspended some sort of "rite of passage" on here, then...?
She must have posted this question as soon as she got through the door.
It would seem so lately....
No, I think it's more akin to a ''Sword of Damocles''.
no mr.............but now dt knows what sarcasm means
I see she posted at 3:26 to-day on another of her questions while she was seemingly waiting half an hour to be picked up. Could she not have Go ogled for a local taxi firm?
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I have the internet on my phone so was having a browse whilst waiting to be picked up.

Anne i was suspended once by accident and soon missed; http://www.theanswerb...k/Question907045.html

but the ed soon admintted it was an accident and i was reinstated.
Dear dear molly, you could write a book.
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at one point i thought i had . . . http://www.theanswerb...k/Question900956.html

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I'm not loved :(

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