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Ark Royal Aircraft Carrier

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carlton23 | 00:14 Tue 22nd Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Wouldn`t it be sensible for the Gov`mt to recommision the AR with all these war problems instead of it laying idle in dock?


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Agree, I don't think there has been as long a time in the last 500 years there hasn't been a serving Ark Royal, (could be wrong mind)
It would. But then the government would have to admit that they got it wrong and they don't like to do that.
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I expect they will wait until it`s too late as usual.
I doubt it will be recommissioned now, they will probably stick to the reasons they gave for scrapping it. The Ark Royal has strong links with the City of Leeds we adopted the ship in 1941 and helped to raise money for the second Ark Royal
Pity it's gone now we could do with all the defence we can get if the Middle east erupts because of this intervention.

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Ark Royal Aircraft Carrier

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