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RATTER ... Thank You ...

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joggerjayne | 09:58 Tue 22nd Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
... for my new Avatar.

I love it.

J x


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It's made for you seagull x
Pleasure lolol :-)
Nice one JJ !! Rather Jolly as you would say.........
Question Author
Do I say it that much ?


It's just, well ... it's a cheerful word.
All is well JJ ! You have a way with words and you always make me smile !!
Question Author
Yay !

Well that's jo ... err, that's good then!

I had to enlarge it to see it properly....suits you ma`am!!
Question Author
Thank you.

It was a gift from RATTER.

Love carlton's avatar!
Question Author
Yes, it's jolly.

Another lolcat !

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RATTER ... Thank You ...

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