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Where in the world could a retired person live like a lord on £200 a week?

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sandyRoe | 16:37 Tue 22nd Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Somewhere in Asia maybe?


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G G got by on oats and new shoots at that until the supply ran out and then where did he go? - Dear old Blighty.

As a pensioner I know we do not get bl00dy £200 but this is the best place to live, NO earthquaks, NO sunami's, beautiful scenery, Mild climate, Free healthcare,Free Bus passes, Free computer training, and more I'm sure. Look around you & smell the roses,

Maizie go to Yougov/pensions and they can give you a pension forecast. I did this and as I already had a works pension(payable at age 60) decided I could retire early
I'm still celebrating my increased state pension of £105.69 per week.........I'm underwhelmed.
Dave - no I wasn't naughty...not at all.
Hi Ummmm :)
I already get the state pension alexanderd's the income from my 3 days work that I'm going to miss (if, I decide to finish)
Sorry Mazie didnt realise that, been reading it all wrong getting senile you know.!!!
lol I think I've beat you to that one alexanderd.
Maizie , have you reached 70 yet? thats when it hits!!
NO......another 8 years to go alexanderd
oh you are just a young girl, if you are fit and enjoy it keep working
Yep, I'm fit enough but a little bored with it just now and I have enough hobbies and work to do on the house, so I'll be busy full time if I retire
well whatever suits you and good luck whatever you decide. I dont know how I found the time to go to work and I have been retired 6 years now.
Some of the answers here seem to think that moving abroad is just like going to live somewhere which is part of the EU. Most countries outside the EU where you might like to live will not easily accept people who want to just retire there cos its cheaper and warmer.

sandy, may not be able to live like a lord , but a good deal of money to some.

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