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I thought I'd take up procrastination as a hobby.

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Bbbananas | 11:42 Tue 22nd Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
But I'm not sure now. I can't quite make my mind up whether I'd be any good at it or not. I might start tomorrow. Then again....

Are you any good at making your mind up or are you one of Life's Undecided Ditherers?


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That was quick trigger. Have you been watching out for ummmm's release? You are not taking this procrastination seriously are you? Welcome back ummmm.
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Welcome back ummm.
Ummm is the one person trigger has no procrastinationary thoughts about.... He knows just what he wants....
Yay ... ummmm is free ...

Welcome back, ummmm.
and pinki's back too
Yay, pinki ...

Hang on ... were they really suspended?

Do you think ummmm and Pinki went off for a few days and did a Thelma and Louise?

(but without the dying at the end bit, obviously)
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I'm not a ditherer exactly but I do like to procrastinate.... I'm pretty good at it truth be told.
which one was i again?
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Not sure fluffs. The same as me. I think.
the worst dancer i'd guess ha ha
OH and I were discussing this the other night, and we both agreed that we are terrible for procrastinating on just about everything. I am such an indecisive person.
Don't bother. I've tried it and it's a waste of time
If I want something I don't dither about it unlike my ex-friend who is the biggest procrastinator I've ever know.
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Oi - vamp yes, tart no. Thank you.
that was it, the hippy one :-)
I shall always decide not to decide, unless of course I decide to change my mind.
LOL salla

Nope.....Once i set my mind to doing something, i gotta almost get it done asap.......or i start dreaming about it to do it. :0) x
I used to dither about becoming a procrastinator...but now I'm not so sure.

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I thought I'd take up procrastination as a hobby.

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