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Yesterdays Sun Newspaper?

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carlton23 | 10:40 Wed 23rd Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Front Page states "GADDAFI`S SON `KILLED BY KAMIKAZE` Libyan pilot blows up dictator`s boy, 27.
How come none of this was reported on TV newscasts? or was it just a Sun `wheeze` to sell more papers?


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It was reported on TV.
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I must have missed it then, or was asleep, which isn`t unlikely.
They haven't really made a big deal of it. I thought it would be much bigger news.
It was in the Daily Mail too. I don't think it has been on TV much because the report is/was unconfirmed.
Kamikaze were Japanese not Libyan
^ maybe he'd been blown off course..............
by the divine wind
Surely is was a 'Khamis-kaze' pilot.............?
lol 10/10 for that

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Yesterdays Sun Newspaper?

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