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the budget

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gina32 | 15:09 Wed 23rd Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
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oh so it will be 130.9p a litre then? That's still 6 quid a gallon
"Why should Scotland get more money?
They just spend it on prescriptions, student finance and hospital car parks. "

What The Funicular you talking about?
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Never trust a grown man who says "one PENCE" and "one PEE" - and he's in charge of the money!
Has he increased the winter fuel allowance?
([email protected] one, I like it..LOL)
Ah good, I managed to wind one of you up at least.
not wound up sorry, just wondering what you are trying to say
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eddie it is 1.30 a litre where i live, thats the same as quite a few petrol stations round here
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and thats before its gone down

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