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Another FB Question

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milly143 | 09:41 Thu 24th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Can you ask not to get notifications for one particular post?

There is a photo I have been tagged in and I keep getting notifications every time someone comments - which is alot. *Cough cough.* ;o)

It's getting on my tits because I keep thinking something exciting has happened. I don't want to stop notifications all together though.


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Untag yourself.
Same thing happened to me so I just untagged it.
Question Author
Thought it might look like I'm being a miserable bitch if I untag. I'm not bothered by the photo, just all the notifications.

And who knew the word tits wouldn't be censored.
Blue ones ? Great ones ?
Question Author
Oh yeah. duh!!
you go on your account settings and you can disable your notifications for being tagged in photos but not for a certain tag i dont think. hope this helps?
Do you really think anyone would notice if you untag yourself?
Question Author
Not sure if that's a sly little dig ummm, and the answer is probably not. But they might. And perhaps I like the picture I'm tagged in.
Why would it be a sly dig?

If there are that many comments I would guess they wouldn't notice... sigh.
go into your account settings and customise so you don;t get notifications
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coconut friggin mushrooms
Cherry lips....♥
I wasnt even added milly, thats even worse...
parma violets
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well there's a space now, i knda see you as a flump
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..sniff...I may flounce with dignity..

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