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It's Friday ...

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joggerjayne | 12:21 Fri 25th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
... the weekend is almost here ...

... Wooo Hooooooo !!!!


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I try not to do both at the same time, redman, LOL.

Well, you know ... up to a point.


We're going to the Casino tonight (Yay) and driving up to the slopes tomorrow morning, and staying in the resort tomorrow night. Ski again Sunday morning ... home by bedtime on Sunday.
And it is such a beautiful day!

Roll on 4pm when I can leave work.
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I'll be off to the airport by then ... Wooo Hoooooo !!
Got to work, boo hoo!
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Oh no, jd !

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Have a good one, everyone.

Bye for now.

Love, J x x x

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It's Friday ...

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