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Margareta Prakatan

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Dee Sa | 10:28 Sat 26th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
does anyone remember her ? on the Clive James show, she used to pronounce Yames, she was awful singer but funny to watch and one to copy for a fancy dress party especially cross dressers ! whatever happened to her ? I suppose he sent her home ?


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She's still going, on a Manhattan cable tv show Saturday nights.
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well I never ! good luck to her.
Yes I remember her, what a laugh she was.
I went to see Clive James a couple of years ago and he talked at some length about her - apparently she was a complete nightmare :)
I used to love her, I could never quite figure out if she knew how awful she was or if she lived in blissful ignorance because she got so much adulation anyway.

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