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stokemaveric .... Cheers mate

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SIRandyraven | 19:52 Sat 26th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Did not follow your horses today , but did £10 on England to win 2 nil ...

Another winner ....


So that's today's win and the Cheltenham £80 win ....


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Nice aftertiming
all helps towards saving up for your fine : )
Question Author
I bet prior to the match.
Your can't bet after the event ...
Twit lol
Imagine if you could ...

Anyway did the horses do ?
I did not do the horses , forgot to make note of them...but while waiting for the brakes on car to be checked today, visited bookmakers and did football bet ...remembered you mentioned 2 nil to England ...
Result ..will collect Monday
Question Author
Dotty ....or a good burglar alarm
all the horses lost............ convincingly

i wonder if Stokie will post a ...... did you follow my football result bet..................?

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stokemaveric .... Cheers mate

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