I have no fears as to how the census data will be used. This info is already widely available via electoral roll, 192.com etc. Lots of organisations hold this data plus a lot more personal data such as NI number, bank details, etc. Google your name and you'll find already a list of people at your address (okay it doesn't list your address, just part of your postcode).
Giving names will, i think, help the checkers do spot checks to assess the validity of teh return.
gina I haven't read all the posts that have made you ask Jem her age but if this was a puzzle I would guess you were 32 (probably wrongly) and that Jem has a daughter over 32?
A large majority of people are honest.
However as some of the recently jailed MPs demonstrate , some people are dishonest.
It only takes one such person....
Exactly gina and it would be a bit daft to put your age as a username as it would only be valid for a year but just surmising why she might think that. Of course I could be completely barking up the wrong tree but I've seen others on here think people's ages are related to the number in their name!
Anyone who comes into my work can see what I do for a living. Most people I know, know that I'm married. Anyone coming into my place of work could easily work out what hours I work, and if they are there in the mornings, how I get to work. Surely just by watching my movements they could find out the majority (if not all) of the information that is taken by the census (which will not be available till long after I'm dead). Why all the suspicion? It's not like I'm being asked to give information that is secret, personal or not readily available anyway. I'm all for a good conspiracy theory, but this is just taking the proverbial biscuit!