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druiaghtagh | 12:05 Sat 08th Oct 2005 | Technology
2 Answers

I am buying Cream live at Albert Hall, it is in DTS.1 5.1, Does that mean that i cannot plat it on an ordinary dvd player? thankyou



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It WILL play in an ordinary DVD player.

DTS 5.1 refers to the sound only. If you have a special DVD player or home cinema system the sound will come out of the 5 or 6 speakers.

If you do NOT have any special cinema setup it will play out of the normal TV speakers.

If you are going to listen to music DVDs, or even watch films, it is worth getting a home cinema system, or a separate AV (Audio Visual) amplifier.

The sound effects from 5 or 6 speakers is amazing. I have a fairly cheap home cinema system with 6 speakers and the sound is great, like being in the cinema. 

There are two small speakers at the front, two small speakers at the back, a small centre speaker for speech, and a large floor standing speaker for the deep bass notes.   

When watching say the first Harry Potter film, when all the owls fly down the chimney it is wonderful to hear the sound of the birds behind you, and then have them swoop around the room.  

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Thankyou vehelpfulguy for a quick and informative answer

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