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Yobs and scum bags

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SIRandyraven | 11:24 Sun 27th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Hope they make further cut backs to pay for the clear up after yesterday's demo.
What political point did smashing shop windows and trying to smash up the olympic clock make ?


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It's time the police stopped pussy footing around. Next time they should be using rubber bullets, tear gas and water cannon.
Have you never thumped something to get it going?
This is a scumbag...


Hope you rot Tommy!!!! Just a pity someone had to die to get the low life prick off our streets...
absolutely no political point whatsoever. But the sad fact of life is, no matter how peaceful you want a rally to be, you will always get rent-a-mob hijack it just to cause mindless violence and destruction, and to show how anti-police and lawless they can be. I listened to one protester this morning state how friends had been hit in the face with shields by the police, and how they were so heavy handed - when from what i could tell on the news last night, the police let the rent-a-mob run riot! A lot of dmage could have ben prevented if the main body of the police had been taken away from the peaceful rally, and if they'd have gone on the internet they could have pre-empt the violent protesters, stopped the intrusion of Fortnum and Masons, and stopped the damage of costa coffee, Santanders, the Ritz hotel etc.
I can only add this is a shameful indictment of the thuggish element we allow on our streets now, why wasn't water canon used, they would have run home to Mummy saying how wet and cold they felt
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To be honest if these are type of parasite my taxes are keeping on benefits ...

How they now bleat ...the gravy train ..pulls to a halt
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Ummmm the exact reason why i avoid places like this for breaks aka holidays.
disgusting people Randy, a good days work would kill them or if they do hold a job and are found guilty of this sick behaviour, they should be sacked pronto so another young person with sense can have their job
It doesn't matter what country he's in. It was going to happen sooner or later...I'm actually surprised he managed 44 years without killing someone.

Horrible horrible man...I hate him.
I suppose the police will count their handling of the disturbances a success. They didn't kill anyone.
What makes you think they are on benefit ? In the last demo most of those arrested came from wealthy backgrounds. Including a rock star's son.
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mm I agree after hearing one of them protesting about her arrest, very upper clarsee indeedy
What demons?
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ummmm, your post looks like you know this person.
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agree with scotman ummmm, did you know the man.
I have just realised that there seems to be 2 postings going on, one about Spain and the other about the London demo. My comment was about Spain.
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