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Is it just my gran who....

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tinkerbell23 | 23:51 Sun 27th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
(on the subject of names)

Calls me a string of names before my own (me= johanne, female)

Example..."eleanor, maryfrances, karen, sean, i mean john, awwww JOHANNE"

Or..."daniel, ciaran, emily JOHANNE"

Do i have this to look forward to! May i add she is of sound mind hahaha xxx


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no tink not just your gran. my nan used to do exactly the same lol. trouble is Ive started doing it too!
My Grandad does it. He goes through loads of other names first then gets angry at the person he's talking to because he doesn't know their name.
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i do it all the time. quite often i call my dog by my sons name !
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LOL... So no doubt ill do it too then !! Haha i laugh when she does t, i get called the other 7. Grandkids names before my own!! Xx
No - both my great aunt and my grandma would go through half the family before getting names right. Much worse at or just after a family get together
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You(we) all have that to look forward to. What fun!
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Hahahaha....pinki now that would be a laugh hahahahahaha

So the conclusion is no, everyones gran does, and when we are all grans we will too

It is sweet and funny, and exactly like ummm says, when they get to the correct name its screeched out in exasperation and theyre angry at the "name-ee" haha xx
No, our names are Julia and Donna and my mum always calls me DonJu and my sister JuDon.
My Nan calls me Rocky, Jasper, Son, Pauline, Liz, Joyce, Caroline. Rocky was a Jack Russell and Jasper was a cross between an alsatian and a bulldog.
i do it all the time too, its quite depressing.
My mum used to do the same... calling us all the pets names then starting with the oldest sibling.. til she got to the right one... Bless her ashes.. xx
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isnt it funny how by the time you get to the right name, you shout it in relief? Or is that just me!
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My 92 year old great Aunt does the same..........she's not helped by the fact that, for some reason, most of our names start with the letter 'A'..........and 3 of them are hyphenated names. Her son John married a woman with the same name as my Mum.......and John is also my Dad's name.....Her great-grandson and my grandson have a vowel-sound difference in their names.
We're never quite sure whom she is talking to.........or about...........:o/

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Is it just my gran who....

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