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Has anyone changed their name- or go by another!?

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tinkerbell23 | 23:30 Sun 27th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
Funnily enough lots of people call me tink, and most call me pixie....i would LOVE to change my name to pixie :0)

I just sometimes think why not lol........

Mums name is catherine-anne but she gets called karen!! Ive heard alot of other ones especially with the older generation x


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I haven't changed my name but I would have loved to. I hate it.
I was boarding the Irish Ferry at Holyhead pixi when this guy called 'Oi' was getting off. ha ha
C'mon BOO....tell us what it was :-)
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My (sort of) sister-in-law changed from a perfectly reasonable 4-letter 2-syllable name to a hypenated 13-letter (5,8) 6-syllable one and re-instated a long since disused family name as part of her surname.

Needless to say, it causes confusion between her business contacts and family......some of whom work in the same area of business.
Nu huh Ummmm, that's the whole idea of changing it, so i don't need to use it, or see it, in connection with myself, again :-)
changed mine last year..during a period of emotional upheaval in hindsight it wasn't the most sensible thing I've eer done but my new name suits me better and people are mostly getting used to it
I haven't always been McMouse but can't quire remember what I used to be.
i like my name it suits me, although i would of liked a Malaysian name as my middle name
My dad's name is Raymond. But everyone calls him Bill.
It's obvious...... ;-)

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Has anyone changed their name- or go by another!?

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