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Spice Jar Letters ... Is It Just Me?

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joggerjayne | 11:07 Tue 29th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
Since someone posted that thing about rearranging spice jars to spell rude words ...

Is it just me who can't resist doing it ?


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Ahhhhh - never have time when I am in the supermarket - always dashing around!
Fenugreek , Una, Cardamom, Kaffir = f u c k
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M-T ... I don't think my life is taking any "direction".

I just go with the flow.


Mousey ... I misunderstood ... I thought you were suggesting you wanted to "rearrange" Posh Spice by doing sex things with her.
Wow, does it really. I would have never of worked that out. thanks.
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JJ you go into a supermarket and rearrange the stock? Someone lock that woman up she is a danger to civilization and civil order
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Oh, annie ... take the time ... it is VERY satisfying.

Of course, you can't be too obvious, what with security cameras and everything.

You have to take a few jars, pretend to be "considering" them ... and then "return" them to the shelf ... but in their new positions.

OMG ... I can't believe I just typed that. How old am I? 12?
amazed it got thru the censor - that's funny :)
doing sex things with posh've caused my coffee to curdle..yuk.
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I know, Mousey.

If Geri decided to bat for the other side, I could ... well, you know ...

But VB is just WEIRD looking.

Anyway ... I'm going shopping.

And don't worry ... I won't fiddle with the spice jars.

Be good ...

J x
JJ, googling usernames was hilarious too..LOL

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