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Right had enough of being happy now...

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Bobbisox | 15:35 Fri 01st Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
Let's be Narky
Step to the ocky and air your grievances ....................


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Hmm, mine would have to be that we phoned the insurance company yesterday for an update on the accident, and they still have not heard anything, not even an aknowledgement from the other guys insurance company! They have been calling and sending requested since last Thursday, and nothing yet! :-(
Like Cat Power!

Lived in bars.
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ok, lets see, I used to be in lurvvvvvvvvvvvv with Mike Pender?
got no speakers, so in one way it's good I can't hear RB, however I'm missing Portishead and J Harvey.
I'm going to snaffle son's lappy :)

Wiggal, kick up stink. How's your bumps and lumps? Recovering I hope.
Question Author
nowt is straight forward wiggal.good luck x
Bloody Cat Power.....who...pmsl
Hey alba,

lumps and bumps are still pretty sore. Knees still bruised, my arm is bruised and a kind of yellowy green colour and my wrist is still very sore! But other then that, I am all good lol! :-)
Oh no! Someone has put the thread back on track!
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one of my favourite bands of all time
Enjoy, Bobbi...
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cheers Mark , I will thanks
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hook line and
borrow & have.

D'ter says can I borrow washing liquid to clean her car. Son says can I borrow a ciggy. I never get any borrowed things back !
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I hate the term
Can I lend
When I worked in a shop the young ones would say
Can I lend a pen!!!
Yes, I've got a grievance Bobbi, tell me who's brilliant idea wasit to put the Pharmacy in Tesco right at the back of the store? so that poorly and disabled people have what seems like a half mile walk to get their prescriptions? - - - - -
But you only have to step inside the door to get a packet of fags.

I asked the manager this and he said it hadn't occured to him before & mad a note of it & it will be brought up at the next meeting. Hmmmm!NOT

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must have been a man Jem.......;-)
who thought this was such a good idea
They have done that with Boots here.
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I think it all depends where their tills are , where I have worked they tend to have CS hidden in a corner somewhere because of the volume of money in the tills
Most definately, definately, Bobbi.
When they designed the store why didn't they stop to ask a customer what they wanted? They just want our money, doesn't matter about our wefare. GRrrrr!!!

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well I did say feel free to go grrrrr Jem..LOL

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Right had enough of being happy now...

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