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Tea Time folks

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Bobbisox | 17:44 Fri 01st Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
so have a lovely evening all


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Trimeresurus...about as funny as haemorrhoids!
Welshyorkie, I hope you can stand the Biddies clucking over you as well
Mrs o - anybody is welcome at the moment - lol
I'm glad you are bearing up welsh. Glad to see you back.Keep it up. ;-)
Only back in short spurts, mikmak - whenever I get into the office or whenever I can get my mobile to do what I want it to do!!!
Hi Welshy.....good to see your back. I didnt join in the condolences, as you know how I must have felt..............anyway I am not very good at that sort of thing.

Sqad, no problem. I will be back in full flow in a couple of weeks when I can get my mojo back. (Maybe I should use that shampoo Cheryl Cole advertises lol)
really good to see you welshy.
Very kind, Anne - give me a couple of weeks and I might even get my sense of humour back!
welshy. if you find yours. could you get me one ? thanks, i seem to lose it on AB. :)

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Tea Time folks

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