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koran burning

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Bravehearted | 22:11 Fri 01st Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
Send that US Bastord Terry Jones into Afghanastan to face the music, and pull out all those helping the Afghan people, it's a lost cause.
Too many UK lives lost for a country lost in the past.


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You can't condemn an entire religion because of the actions of the Taliban in Afghanistan.
Exactly, sandyroe.
sandyroe so if you [and i pray to god it doesnt happen] lost a loved one to a bomb planted in a train...would you not blame it on a religious war??? and that is what they are proclaiming it is.....
The thing is that all sides here are in the wrong- on the one hand we have Islamic fundamentalists (with the empahsis on mental) and on the other we have Christian fundamentalists ( also with the emphasis on mental). Each hate the other. The Christian nutters thought 'I know a sure fire way we can get the Islamic lot to look really bad' and burned the Koran knowing full well what would happen without a care for any of the lives they would cost. The Islamic lot were sadly only looking for an excuse to behave exactly as they have.
NEITHER of these groups of people represent mainstream members of their respective religions, so the fewer kneejerk reactions the better.
I have 'lost a loved one' in a religious war. I don't blame all Protestants for what happened.
well im sorry to hear that sandyroe i have seen first hand the atrocities that secretarian violence wreaks but i think that this ''beheading'' and the like is just barbaric....

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