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Bobbisox | 21:19 Fri 01st Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
113 Answers
I have answered Koode yet twice it has not shown???


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I know nothing about them - never been on a motorbike. The last pushbike I owned had frills and a basket!!! (the guy at Halfords did the hard sell - I wanted a racer)
Boxy - for you
Don't think I'd have the nerve anymore to go on a motorbike - happy enough with a pushbike though. you'd have been better off with a racer!
I knew that then and I know that now - but I think the guy was on commission to get shot of that thing, and I was the poor sap who walked into his shop. It was all a very long time ago - I've tried to black it out tbh. The only time it was ridden was when my dad went out on it at xmas, drunk, with the bike covered in Xmas decorations :)
Awww Karen, so the poor bike never got to fulfill it's destiny :o(
It did eventually - I sold it through the snips in the paper, to a very girly girl who just couldn't wait to get out on it. :)
lol, so it had a happy ending then!
Well, presumably - although she might have ended up under a bus for all I know ;)
..or she could be that girl stunt-bike rider who was on the TV yesterday!
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bloody hell is this still going on
well done lasses..
.....or maybe just lass if there is only one of us. lol

That's a cruel thought Karen!
Yeah, I'm just sitting here talking to myself Bobbi (I'd better watch in case I/we get suspended again).
Annie, life is cruel - it's time you accepted that ;)
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but that'll be you and Annie gone then...

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