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T!ts and tattooted arse threads....

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ELVIS68 | 00:59 Sun 03rd Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
Has Fathers day come early?


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Here I stand, head in hand
Excellent MR - reminds me of Portpatrick (where I went on my holidays the year that was out)
Sir A - that has to be the best episode of Father Ted :)
no Elvis, but thanks for asking ;o)

I see the gratuitous use of the word arse on this thread. tut tut!
At least you made someones night sara
My favourite was Burpy Burpy Cheap Sheep.
i have a great arse, and not ashamed to say it
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along with yours triggs, we just get them out on spec occasions
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What's a tattooted arse anyhoo?

Nooo .... please ... don't bring on the trumpets!

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T!ts and tattooted arse threads....

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