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returning a packet of nappies....

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gina32 | 17:24 Sun 03rd Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
bought the wrong nappies from a shop the other day and tried to return them today only to be told that due to health and safety i couldnt! never heard that before!


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That's daft, if they are still sealed and in the packet.... although I guess rules is rules!
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i know, whats the difference in them being on the shelf or in the warehouse for x amount of time to them being in my house
Do you know another mum with the right-sized child, she could buy some the correct size for you, and you could swap?
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thought of that but i dont !
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could be too big, trim...
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doesnt matter the reason they are being returned, its the fact the fact that they cant be
what aspect of Health and Safety , were they specific? The only products that those rules apply to is mainly food, as it may have been stored incorrectly whilst in the customers possession or cosmetics like lipstick that obviously could have been used by someone.
I suppose a shop would have policies and procedures / insurance to cover any tampering with products whereas a product that has been returned would be a different matter.

It's rubbish but I can understand them not taking them back.
its a personal item, regardless of whether its been used or not, the policy is no refund, maybe there have been scare's in the past where supposedly sealed products have been tampered with deliberatly?

I suppose the lesson here is to make sure you have the right pack next time.
If you're a regular shopper there, I would've thought they could let you return them as a goodwill gesture - even if they couldn't re-sell them. Good customer relations and all that.

(Or am I just being naive?)
In all fairness, the shop doesn't have to give you any reasons why they wont take them back.

A shop is not legally bound to give you your money back just because you bought the wrong item.
I had a Tesco grocery delivery a couple of christmases ago where i had 2 bags full of items delivered that i had not ordered or paid for, i phoned and told them,they said to just keep them, they are not allowed to re sell them incase they had been tampered with, so its probably the same with the nappies. You could open them, take one out, then return the rest for a refund claiming they are ill fitting and leak so badly that you want a refund, worth a try.
so you're suggesting lorrie, that gina deliberately makes the pack unsellable again and lies in order to get money back on a mistake she made in the first place?

its only a pack of nappies.....what a fuss to make
Shops won't take back a range of stuff - underwear, lipstick, earrings - in case they have been used/worn. But an unopened pack of nappies?

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returning a packet of nappies....

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