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so lain duncan smith the works and pensions secretary says....

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stokemaveric | 21:27 Sun 03rd Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
''most people dont feel like retiring at 65''...well do you want to retire at 65??? or drop dead at work??? like the government want us to....


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dt - balls may be bright but is he trustworthy. intelligence is no guarantee of common sense or compassion or understanding of other peoples lives, needs or wants.
true and that is my concern on him and perhaps why I see his wife as being more "sellable" to joe public. No misrepresentation of that comment meant!
Balls may be an excellent contender..........but with the 'dead-wood' of the Labour party and its legacy that he'll have to overcome to get a sniff of the job, it doesn't look like he'll be troubling us any time soon....
I can't see me having any option but to work as long as possible.
Didn't some scientists do a long term survey proving that the earlier you retire the longer you live? I retired at 57 and am still here at 84. Don't know if that proves anything, but I do know I was very glad to get away from the scheming, back stabbing and everything that goes with the rat race. A calm and peaceful old age is quite nice compared with that.
Would not have retired had it not been for illness.
I get a pension but still work, albeit part time

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