sounds like Colin (currently sprawled out on the carpet). he goes out for 5 mins, does his business, comes in, wants food, goes out for 5 mins, comes in, sleeeeeeeeeeeeps..
Mine are housecats, but they like to go out and sit on the veranda umpteen times a day for a couple of minutes at a time. After meowing for ages to get out, they then meow to get back in almost immediately.
Trisha stays out for 20 minutes or so but Lizzie does like yours, has a nosy then runs back in. Actually, I have been looking at Trisha these last couple of days and either she is piling on weight or the cat rescue just shaved her side to fool me and she was never speyed, cos she is lying down as though she is expecting. maybe she's just eating to much : (
My cat is a house cat and she will sometimes venture out the backdoor for 5 minutes now and again lol.. my last cat would go out for the nearly whole day sometimes. She would walk me to school in the morning and then she would pop up on the window sill around 4 or 5. Now that I think of it she must have found herself food or someone was feeding her because she would have been starving! lol
Blue is always in and out but has very long naps during the day. Tigger doesn't go out as much and she sleeps a lot more than Blue. Tigger is a bit overweight but she doesn't care how she looks!
They only go out in the back garden and I never let them out the front. I've never seen them out the front either. My road attracts a lot of nutty drivers.
My Tigger loves it outside. He can be out most of the evening, most of the night and alot of the day if its warm. He likes to sleep through the day though either inside or outside on our swingseat. He has a cat flap and comes and goes as he pleases, doesnt even have a litter tray.
Some like to roam, some are stay-at-home, most are varying combinations of the two, but as any cat owner knows, trying to fathom them out is futile, you just have to admire the way they live on their terms.
My eldest cat spends most of the day outside, the youngest one sleeps most of the day then pops in and out of an evening, has a suck on his blanket then off he goes outside again, does my head in. :) he still thinks he is a kitten lol
Harry is asleep on a cushion in the conservatory most of the time, occasionally popping outside to go tothe loo - she can see all that's going on outside, and feels superior to the dogs, as she's lying in the sun, and they aren't! She does wake up to be fed though.