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It is extremely quiet lately in CB?

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Bobbisox | 22:00 Mon 04th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
None of the usual banter...
more chatting going on through the day, no offence to those who are posting btw.....:-)
even Doc has gone to sleep..


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should have read "for her"
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hi Boro, hows you...:-)

seen that DT and will post a cheque first thing in the morning, she sure has been seen in a different light, there should be more Molly's around this country
Makes a change Judge, we've had mock the weak on here already and now being Bored to death is an option.
Hi Allbags, hope you're good too!........
well, that's great and good-on-ya, bobbi. As somebody suggested, if we raise enough, HMS Answerbank?

or we could suggest HMS Mollykins??

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the kid is a good example to others DT, even the adults..
Same old same old in the PRT. Work: sucks. Boro: suck, but improving-ish. Can't complain ;-)
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Mackems suck more
so chin up
Too boring. Is my only option to go to bed and read?
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isn't Star?

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It is extremely quiet lately in CB?

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