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Google toolbar unsafe to install?

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tali1 | 19:17 Mon 04th Apr 2011 | Internet
6 Answers
i want to install google toolbar on my new PC as it has my bookmarks and notebook but norton AV says " google toolbar unsafe to install"


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Uninstall Norton, they are a pain in the A** ! Nothing wrong with Google Toolbar, I have it on my PC
Redman .. Wise up mate .. Norton is great these days .. A lot better than AVG, anyhow.
Are you installing Google Toolbar from the Google page?
Which version on Norton?
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latest version of Norton -and i have tried from several sites - but Norton flags up
i think norton is tooo over zealous?
You've answered your own question. Surely there must be some option in Norton to set that toolbar as 'safe'.
Well if you're sure you want it turn Norton off then back on again when you've dowmloaded it.
Norton is brilliant these days - we are 100% pleased with it. No idea why it doesn't like the google toolbar for you.

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Google toolbar unsafe to install?

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