/// the fact is that India had been 'The jewel in the crown' for Britain for the preceding 150 years and therefore *of course* we were instrumental in any subsequent conflict. ///
Yes of course I agree that, it is an historic fact (not that I am agreeing, but that Britain ruled India)
But Britain's rule of India surely cannot be blamed for the differences shown between the Muslims, the Hindus, and the Sikhs.
In fact, as already mentioned if it had not been for the involvement of the British, these three would have created a blood-bath in India, even if the British had not previously been in control.
It was Jinna who took the opportunity of Britain's withdrawal to seek an independent state for the Muslims, well two actually East & West Pakistan, and even those two could not get on with each other, and then with India's involvement in East Pakistan they became an independent nation, Bangladesh.
So in this instance we cannot lay the blame on Britain's doorstep.