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Grotty patio

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sherrardk | 10:50 Wed 06th Apr 2011 | Home & Garden
3 Answers
The garden of our house is laid with paving stones which have been painted. These are now looking really grotty after the winter and I want to clean them somehow. Anyone have any ideas for the best way to do this (the garden tap doesn't work so I will have to carry any water through the house)? Thanks.


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I would suggest that you repair the garden tap so that it works and then use a pressure washer. If the paint is flaking already this should remove quite a lot if not all.Not heard of anyone painting paving stones before.Best of luck
Yes, pressure washer........ with sand blasting attachment to clean them up completely.
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Can't fix the tap as the leak stems from the attic (husband investigated) - if I pressure wash them the paint will come off and the landlord won't be impressed. Is there anyway I can bleach them? Personally, I think they look rubbish and they can be slippery, if it was my garden they would be long gone.

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Grotty patio

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