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Twitter and ID cards

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joggerjayne | 16:20 Wed 06th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
If the Govt said ... from now on, we wish to know where everyone is ... all the time ...

... there would be demonstrations on the streets.

(well, there were!!)

If Twitter say ... tell everyone where you are, all the time ...

... everyone thinks it's jolly, and trendy.

Do you carry and electronic ID card? ... or "Twitter" ... as they've managed to call it.


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Doesn't it have to be collected, in order to be conveyed?

I mean ... stuff that is "collected" about you ... eg.

None of us would want to be "tagged" ... like on parole ...

But any of us who has a mobile phone, or who uses a sat nav on which we have "registered" the device for software updates, can be located instantly.
It uses your phone GPS to post your location automatically to anyone you add as a friend and they can check your location on a map using the latitude app or site.

The good news is you can either turn it off, or do as I have and set your location manually, if anyone checks where I am on latitude they will get a map showing them I'm in the middle of the North Sea.
I mean that if I am using Twitter, I am at liberty to divulge, or not, oodles of stuff to those following me...........I can control how much they know about me, in bite-sized pieces.
I have no such control about why, how, or by whom, the information gathered for the ID cards is used..............
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I don't think there was any information on an ID card that the authorities don't already hold.
It's not the's the accessing..............
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Twitter and ID cards

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