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asap - thanks

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Connemmara | 17:32 Thu 07th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Can anybody tell me how to remove smashed eggs off masonry wall and ground. It is for my friend - can she buy a product from a hardware store - thanks


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stiff brush and elbow grease?
Jet washer...
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A hose? And a brush!?

Thats a shame x
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thanks bednobs but she is a wee bit special-needs dont think she could do that and did have brain surgery about 2 years ago so would not have the strength of "elbow-grease"
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Connemmarra, im with the above, hot soapy water and elbow grease, may you could offer some help with the elbow grease?
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If you can get hold of the moron who threw the eggs, dampen his head (preferably down a toilet) then scrub the masonry wall with his head.
Perhaps she has a friend who can supply the elbow grease ?

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Do you know the answer?

asap - thanks

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