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summer must be here

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slinky.kate | 18:17 Thu 07th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
i put my halogen fire in the loft and took my fan out which i have plugged in ,also got a washing out,windows opened,it's lovely and fresh.


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it's been a tad nippy here but very sunny
It's quite nippy here as well but bright and sunny. Summer is a little way off yet.
ditto here bobby - a bottle of NZ white on the chill though for a few minutes time.

could go with pixi's turkey - she's only 20 mins or so down the road from me.
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who's having turkey,i'm having chicken,cabbage and mashed totties with butter yummy.i love cabbage.
Did a large load of washing and hung it outside - all dried beautifully.

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summer must be here

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