News1 min ago
39 Answers
My question would be, why do the ones that constantly feature on AB with seemingly the most to say ina totally vaccuous way, disappear when something serious is raised? Are they just here to exhibit their so-called 'sparkling wit' or are they just afraid to put forward a real opinion?
Evening smart1. I don't see Ab as necessarily the most desired form of debate. Some people wander from the point on the most vaccuous of threads let alone the more serious ones. Others seem to have a hidden agenda. But that should not mean that ABers don't have a serious side. Perhaps some are too discerning to join in the general melee, which, at times,...
20:42 Thu 07th Apr 2011
The only thing that rattles me slightly (and that's no slight against CB folk, quite the contrary), is that it's actually the only catagory on AB now that's remotely lively BUT by definition it's a bit lighthearted etc. I'd way prefer to debate heavier things most of the time but if I waited for someone to do that with I'd still be sitting here waiting for my pension as that aspect of the site seems to be tailing off drastically.