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are you going to be all Patriotic on the 29th?

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Bobbisox | 21:14 Thu 07th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
48 Answers
I will, I am going to my mates house where we will don the Red White and Blue, we are going to make little buns and stuff, her Mum who is German will be there too, and we will drink and drink and,,,,
to the newly weds
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Trying to find a channel thay are not on probably
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we will party anyway smarty,,LOL
catch you later haysi, take care wee mate xxxxx
Chances are I'll be at work. Really not too bothered by the whole thing, tbh.
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we will party and probs forget why we are partying Boro..LOL
As an 'outsider', I really can't understand the point of street parties,etc for someone who happens to be a Royal...and who happens to be getting married. I'm off that day-I'd rather be working TBH-and away from any mayhem. Don't think there are any parties here, least I hope not.
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Hey Yankee, not a street party , more of a pish up...LOL
Will look in at the tele now and then especially to see the dress and watch everyone arriving, but basically it will be like a normal weekend day, walking the dog, gardening, lazing about, etc.

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are you going to be all Patriotic on the 29th?

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