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aintree tips for today....

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stokemaveric | 11:39 Fri 08th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
sire de grugy..14.00
wayward prince..14.30
albertas run..15.05
mon parrain..15.40
back in focus..16.15
golden chieftan..16.50
baby shine..17.25


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hi stoke. im looking for a dead cert. for grand national........... £5 each way ?
No such thing anneasquith
2.0 A Media Luz
2.30 Radium
3.05 Albertas Run
3.40 Frankie Figg
4.15 Sparky May
4.50 Kilcrea Kim
5.25 Glorious Feeling
Question Author
elvis is dead right anne...but im having bellabriggs as my main bet...but im having a little ''side bet'' on silver by nature and niche market..good luck..
Question Author
ill check your tips later elvis lol

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aintree tips for today....

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