When my wife left me in the pub whilst she went Christmas shopping, I got chatting to a bloke (as you do!) who swore by it. Said everything he now owned, was due to Cosmic Ordering. Being the total sceptic I am, I nodded to the sky and asked him if I was supposed to believe the cosmos was like a big interstellar Argos with lirttle green men send down stuff to those daft enough to ask - That didn't go down well..
I put it in the same catergory as Feng Shui and those people who go on stage and reckon they talk to the dead.....you know the ones....I've got a John here with me now, he passed over a while ago....ooh pain - he's showing me a pain in the chest - was it a heart attack? yes? - well he said you're doing to much and need to slow down and stop thinking of others...