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Mad posting times on AB

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Booldawg | 09:06 Tue 12th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I have to ask; I noticed on threads people are using the chatterbank 24/7. Are some of you on shiftwork, insomniacs or just nocturnal creatures (or all of the above)?


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There are a fair few shift workers on here Booldawg.

We're open 24/7 and the beer is always warm.

Spare Ed
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Although predominantly a UK site, there are posters from other time zones, USA and Australia amongst others.
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you make it sound like an online Wetherspoons!
Insomniac for me, unfortunately. Although do manage to sleep sometimes.
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The 3am posting was unusual for a Monday night though wasn't it? Ed I would charge your advertisers more if the site has a spike of overnight activity, you should factor it into the contracts
Insomniac, rarely in bed before midnight and usually up about 06.00, haven't worked since 2001,when I had a stroke
I've been known to be on here at 3am 4am my excuse is Indigestion, it can catch me at all times. If I get up in the early hours with it I nearly always come on here for a while after taking my pill.J ust to see who is about.

insomniac :(
Yep, moony sees work and shifts away from it ☺
Whereas I rarely sleep for longer than 30 minutes at a time - hardly worth it.

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Mad posting times on AB

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