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My Granny was not a suffragette.....

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Bbbananas | 13:25 Wed 13th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
But my daddy was a prominent frogman. My mummy's in the naval reserve. When I was young I carried a gun, but never got the chance to serve.....

What am I? (Apart from bonkers & on a different wavelength to a lot of folk....)


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Baby Driver, as I recall from long ago.
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Indeedy pete. A baby driver listening to Radio 2..... (they're talking about suffragettes).

I love S&G (as opposed to S&M).
I have a sneaking suspicion you're a fan of both Salla ;)
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Simon & Garfunkel, definitely.

S&M - surprisingly karen - no. I prefer M&Ms.
I'm not even going to ask what you do with them Salla!!! ;)
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Ha! Just call me Daughter of Marianne Faithful....... ;-)
I suppose they are better suited to the task than a Mars Bar - they have that crunchy exterior that melts in your mouth, not in your....well, whatever :D
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I've never touched a Mars Bar since I heard the story about my ex-neighbour and her German Shepherd. Quite disgusting, even for Lincolnshire.....
Is it permissable for you to tell the story of the Mars bar, the ex-neighbour and the German shepherd dog here salla, or is it too disgusting?
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use your imagination starbuck...

All I can say is that it involved a neighbour (I think she was Scandinavian), a German Shepherd and an intimately-placed Mars bar. Oh, and a sheepskin rug.

And someone walking in on them at an inopportune moment.

and before some wise ass says it - NO it was not me. (I am not Scandinavian). ;-)
Did she not make an awful mess of the rug?

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My Granny was not a suffragette.....

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