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moonraker558 | 12:41 Wed 13th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
71 Answers
Now ttfn has had her tag removed and has done her community service, do you think it is too soon to ask her to join me tonight in some slow soothing video sax, or should I buy her a drink first, take her to the local chippy for a slap up meal (no expense spared) subdue the lighting to set the mood then crack on with it? Mammy or Alba would be able to advise me on how to handle her i should think. She has chased me long enough so I thought I would take it one step further. I have bought her some Snapdraggons already.


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Hello, Star - don't laugh. This has got serious now with moony. What taste the man has ;o)
I did not mean right now you daft bat!!
Takes one to know one, old girl lol
He's definitely got good taste. I still can't help laughing.
You are late up tonight, Star ? Hope it is 'just' insomnia.
Don't laugh - that could be the future Mr ttfn ROFL
I'm just off to bed now ttfn - don't feel very tired - can't think why. Admittedly I do not work very hard nowadays. But there doesn't seem to be much to do. Hope you had a nice day at work and back home with moony. Don't you love his new avatar. Really suits him. Are you serious, or is it just him?
Course she is serious who could resist an arse like that!
I am suffering sleep starvation too - 4 hrs since Sunday night takes its toll - even by my standards. No doubt normal rules of engagement between moony amd me will soon be resumed, Star, no need to buy a new hat, not just yet anyway ;o) Sweet dreams and ttfn x
Mamya! Oooh Matron....

Oh dear, just looked at his av again - he left his socks on :o(
brace yourselves..................we have a new " romance " on AB. and it does not involve any ambulances !
I sincerely hope it doesn't, anne ;o)

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