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Don't panic or worry too much about me, but....

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Bbbananas | 08:50 Fri 15th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
I'm in hospital because I've poisoned myself. I ate what I thought was an onion, but it was a tulip bulb. The doctors tell me I should be out by late spring....



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saddo :-p
Permission to Lol!
bloomin' eck!
don't worry, petal, you'll soon leaf your worries behind
lol.. ;)
I'm rooting for you salla.
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Just a Friday morning titter.... x
-- answer removed --
i'm not telling you what i want
LOL salla !
What's better the two roses on your piano..? OR Tulips on your organ...
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Mr Redman - how coarse!!!

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Don't panic or worry too much about me, but....

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