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The effect of global warming

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supersuezy24 | 11:41 Wed 13th Apr 2011 | Jokes
15 Answers
Thought this was funny...


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Very funny suezy !
Question Author
Think it's hilarious the way he flinches when he catches himself with the shaver hahah
Lovely - it gave me a good laugh.
Excellent - and it's from Thailand, of all places!!
thats brilliant.
Who will advertise Fox's Glacier Mints now, I wonder?
Ha ha ha, that was really funny. pmsl
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Sue - I need a para medic now lol. I thought that was moony getting ready for a date ROFL
you have missed another correction

they are ice floes
That bear is neatly bare.
That's so cute.
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The effect of global warming

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