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micmak | 19:24 Sat 16th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Late last year we had a carbon monoxide scare. We did get everything sorted and it took us both a while to recover, Since then no problems. We have a utility room where the combi boiler is. In this room we keep the hoover, ironing board etc. There is also a drinks fridge in there. Tonight I opened the fridge and a bottle of beer fell out. When it hit the floor it broke. While I was cleaning up the mess the detector started to bleep. Could the exploding beer bottle cause this? I would be grateful if some one who knows this would reply. Thanks.


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You are losing your touch. Had that happened to me I would have caught the bottle in my gob long before it hit the floor and drained it at a draught.
lol at mike !
Could be, micmak, as doc says, the bottle frothed up and released the gases. Good to know that your detector is working well, though!
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Thanks guys. The detector has now gone back to zero and stopped bleeping. If you don't own one of these gadgets I strongly advise you to buy one. It saved the life of me and Mrs MM.♥
I haven't got a clue about these things MM but glad its all sorted now. Good idea about getting a detector in :o)

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